Browse Items
- 11th Brigade
- 17th Brigade
- 2010 Colombian presidential election
- ACA: Asociación Campesina de Antioquia
- acción social
- ACIN: Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca
- ACOOC: Colombian Association of Conscientious Objectors
- action alert
- Adriana Roman
- Afro-Colombians
- AFSC: American Friends Service Committee
- AGC: Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia
- Águilas Negras
- Alejandro Perez
- Amnesty International
- AMOR: Women's Association of Eastern Antioquia
- Angelópolis
- anniversary
- Antanas Mockus
- anti-mili concert
- Antioquia
- Apartadó
- Arauca
- arbitrary detention
- Archdiocese of Santa Fe de Antioquia
- Arenas Altas
- armed actors
- armed forces
- Army Corps of Engineers
- ASOTRACAMPO: Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo
- Association of Indigenous Townships of Northern Cauca
- Atlántico
- Atrato
- AUC: Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia
- Awá
- banana axis
- Barranquilla
- Basta Ya!
- Bay Area
- body count syndrome
- Bogotá
- bombings
- Borderlands Heeding God’s Call campaign
- Buddhist delegation
- Buenaventura
- Cali
- campesinos
- Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity
- Cartagena
- Cauca
- CCAJAR: Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo
- CCEEUU: Colombia- Europe-United States Coordination
- celebration
- Central American Integration System
- Charlotte in Colombia
- children
- Chiquita Banana
- chiva
- Chocó
- Chocó Province
- Christmas
- CINEP: Center for Investigation and Popular Education
- Ciudad Juárez
- Claudia Montoya
- CODHES: Consultancy on Human Rights and the Displaced
- Collective Action of Conscientious Objectors
- Colombia Congress
- Colombia Human Rights Committee
- Colombia No Bases Coalition
- Colombian Army
- Colombian Commission of Jurists
- Colombian Constitution
- Colombian Constitutional Court
- Colombian Government
- Colombian military
- Colombian Supreme Court
- Congress
- Connecticut
- conscientious objectors
- Continental Campaign Against Foreign Military Bases
- Córdoba
- Cornerstone Music Festival
- Corporación Jurídica Yira Castro
- corruption
- Costa Rica
- CRIC: Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca
- criminal investigation
- Cúcuta
- Cundinamarca
- dancing
- DAS: Colombian Department of Administrative Security
- Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia
- delegation
- demilitarization
- demobilization
- Democratic Consolidation policy
- Democratic Corporation
- disappearances
- Discover Colombia Through Its Heart
- displacement
- Drop Beats Not Bombs
- drug trafficking
- Ecuador
- education
- El Boquerón
- el campo
- El Mirador
- El Tamarindo
- El Tiempo
- Episcopal Church of Colombia
- extradition
- extrajudicial killings
- false arrest
- February 2005 massacre
- Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)
- feminists
- Fiscalia
- forced military service
- foreign aid bill
- Francisco Puerta
- Francisco Santos
- Free Trade Agreement
- Freedom of Information Act
- Ft. Benning
- fundraising campaign
- Global Commission on Drug Policy
- graffiti
- grassroots movements
- gringos
- Guatemala
- guerrillas
- Guillermo Gordillo
- Gustavo Petro
- health care
- Heroes de Tolova
- HH
- Hillary Clinton
- holiday
- Hollman Morris
- hostages
- Hugo Chavez
- Human Rights Certification
- Human Rights Day
- human rights groups
- human rights violations
- humanitarian law
- Humanitarian Law Project
- humanitarian zones
- Idriss Keita
- If nothing else
- If nothing else, it Keeps me sane
- in Spanish
- Incite! Women of Color Against Violence
- Indigenous Guard
- indigenous people
- Íngrid Betancourt
- Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- Inter-American Human Rights Court
- International Conference for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases
- International Conscientious Objectors’ Day
- International Criminal Court
- International Human Rights Day
- International Labour Organization
- International Red Cross
- interview
- Iraq
- it Keeps me sane
- Javier Giraldo
- Javier Sicilia
- Jesús Emilio Tuberquia
- Joe DeRaymond
- Joe DeRaymond Memorial Accompaniment Fund
- Jorge Eliécer Molano Rodríguez
- Juan Manuel Santos
- Justapaz
- Justice and Peace Law
- Justice Evaluation Commission
- kidnappings
- La Cristalina
- La Esperanza
- La Guajira
- La Holandita
- La Resbalosa
- La Unión
- La Violencia
- labor unions
- Las Claras
- Las Nieves
- Las Pavas
- Latin America Solidarity Coalition
- Latin America Working Group
- Leahy Law
- letter from the field
- lgbtq+
- Limping Toward Justice
- Luis Eduardo Guerra
- M-19
- Madres de la Candelaria
- Madres Peace Prize
- Manta
- Mapiripán
- MAPP: Mission to Support the Peace Process
- March and Carnival for Human Rights
- Marcha Patriótica
- Mario Cardozo
- Mario Iguarán
- Mario Montoya
- Mario Montoya Uribe
- massacre
- Medellín
- Medellín Youth Network
- Melaza
- Mérida Initiative
- Mexico
- militarism
- military base
- military checkpoint
- military service
- military training
- Minga
- mining
- Miramar
- mobilization
- Monserrate
- Montes de Maria
- motivation
- Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity
- Mulatos
- music
- NACLA Report on the Americas
- Nasa
- National Congress on Land, Territory, and Sovereignty
- National Day for Memory and Solidarity with Victims
- National Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia
- National Movement of Victims of State Crimes
- National Police
- National Security Archive
- National University of Colombia
- natural resources
- New Rainbow Corporation
- Nicaragua
- No More Broken Hearts
- Nobel Peace Prize
- nonviolent resistance
- Nueva Antioquia
- Occupy Wall Street movement
- Ombudsman of Antioquia
- ONIC: National Indigenous Organization of Colombia
- Operation Fenix
- Operation Orion
- Organization of American States
- Other Worlds
- Pablo Escobar
- Pacific School of Religion
- Palanquero
- Panama
- para-political scandal
- paramilitarism
- paramilitary
- Peace Brigades International
- Peace Community of San José de Apartadó
- peace negotiations
- peace prize
- peaceful resistance
- pebble of change
- Pedaling for Peace
- Pentagon
- People's Congress
- People’s Summit
- Peru
- petition
- photograph
- Piedad Córdoba
- Plan Colombia
- Plan Colombia Phase II
- Playa Larga
- poetry
- police post
- policy
- Polo Democrático
- Popayán
- poverty
- Presbyterian Church
- Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
- President Bush
- President Obama
- President Santos
- President Uribe
- Project on Military Bases
- Promisión
- protest
- Puente Nayero
- Putumayo
- race
- radar sites
- Rafael Correa
- raising awareness
- rally
- RECALCA: Colombian Action Network on Free Trade
- recruitment
- Red Juvenil de Medellín
- religious groups
- Renato Areiza
- repost
- Resbalosa
- return
- Rito Alejo del Rio
- robbery
- ROC: Organized Community Network
- Rodrigo Rivera
- Ruptura
- Salvatore Mancuso
- San Andrés
- San José
- San José de Apartadó
- San Josecito
- Santa Marta
- School of the Americas
- Sebastián Patiño
- Semana
- Semana Santa
- Service for Peace and Justice
- sexual assault
- sickness
- silent march
- Sincelejo
- Soacha
- social cleansing
- social needs
- soldiers
- solidarity
- stories
- storytelling
- Suesca
- Summit of the Americas
- surveillance
- sustainable farming
- Tamera
- terrorism
- Tolemaida
- Toribio
- Trade Adjustment Assistance
- training for accompaniment
- Turbo
- U.S.-Colombia Defense Cooperation Agreement
- UK military aid
- uniforms
- Unión Patriótica
- United Nations (UN)
- University of Resistance
- update
- Urabá
- Uribe
- Urrá
- US Congress
- US drug policy
- US government
- US involvement in Colombia
- US military
- US military aid
- US military bases
- US Office on Colombia
- US social aid
- vacation
- Valle del Cauca
- Vallenato
- Venezuela
- Vereda
- video
- Villavicencio
- war on drugs
- Washington D.C.
- Washington Office on Latin America
- WHINSEC: Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
- Whistleblower Protection Act
- WikiLeaks
- wiretapping
- With the Struggle
- Witness for Peace
- women
- Women's Peaceful Path
- women's rights