Browse Items (8 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: ELN Sort by: TitleCreatorDate FARC and Colombian Government Agree on Political Participation Gina Spigarelli 2013-11-26 Peace Negotiations Re-open After Expired Cease-fire Emily Schmitz 2013-01-31 Building Peace in Colombia from the Bottom Up: Dialogue is the Path to Peace Susana Pimiento 2011-08-12 FARC on the Run? Geoffrey Ramsey 2011-07-01 "Body Count Mentalities": Colombia's "False Positives" Scandal, Declassified Fellowship of Reconciliation 2009-01-07 McCain Backer's Firm Pleaded Guilty To Funding Terrorist Group In Colombia Huffington Post 2008-07-09 Colombia Peace Under Attack John Lindsay-Poland 2007-07-24 A brief historical perspective on the Colombian armed conflict AJ (Amanda Jack) 2006-10-28 Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2