Browse Items (39 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: campesinos of 4 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Two realities Charlotte Melly 2012-01-08 Solo el amor, con su ciencia, nos vuelve tan inocentes- Violetta Parra Gina Spigarelli 2011-11-09 Protecting their mother: Afro-Colombians fight to reclaim their land from palm oil Moira Birss 2011-08-17 Building Peace in Colombia from the Bottom Up: Dialogue is the Path to Peace Susana Pimiento 2011-08-12 Resisting Violence through Sustainable Agriculture in Colombia Moira Birss 2011-04-05 Rosa's life in photos Isaac Beachy 2011-03-22 Act today - Take a Step... John Lindsay-Poland 2011-03-07 My girlfriend and displacement Isaac Beachy 2010-07-18 Land valued by many: “To displace 1,000, kill 10” Isaac Beachy 2010-07-09 Fundamental Change in Colombia Unlikely with President-elect Santos Moira Birss 2010-06-30 of 4 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2