Browse Items (19 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: Afro-Colombians of 2 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate LAND YOU LOVE call to action: Please send in a photo and support Colombians who are reclaiming their lands! Gina Spigarelli 2011-09-07 The land you love Liza Smith 2011-09-06 Protecting their mother: Afro-Colombians fight to reclaim their land from palm oil Moira Birss 2011-08-17 Building Peace in Colombia from the Bottom Up: Dialogue is the Path to Peace Susana Pimiento 2011-08-12 Protect Threatened Afro-Colombian and Mestizo Communities in Curvaradó and Jiguamiandó Moira Birss 2011-04-19 Act today - Take a Step... John Lindsay-Poland 2011-03-07 Petition to Obama: Say No to the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia Fellowship of Reconciliation 2011-03-01 Protect at-risk Afro-Colombian community threatened by paras Moira Birss 2010-08-27 The Decision to Keep Talking Arno Kopecky 2010-08-06 Letter from the Field: "The Colombian Odyssey or the Fight over Land" Marion Hiptmair 2010-07-01 of 2 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2