Browse Items (7 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Organizations asked that the IACHR urge the Colombian State to comply with international obligations, to declare a moratorium on mining and energy projects, and establish a Working Group between authorities and the affected communities Fellowship of Reconciliation 2014-11-04 Unraveling Justice: Military Jurisdiction Expanded in Colombia Lisa Haugaard 2012-12-21 Threats Against Cauca Indigenous Communities Continue Charlotte Melly and Elisabeth Rohrmoser 2012-09-25 Indigenous Nasa Resist Militarization in Cauca Gina Spigarelli 2012-07-31 Yury Neira, Youth Advocate and Ally Liza Smith 2009-01-16 Extradition of Paramilitary Leaders: Sending Away Hope for Justice and Truth Fellowship of Reconciliation 2008-05-13 We're not in Kansas anymore... AJ (Amanda Jack) 2007-10-20 Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2