Browse Items (9 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: forced military service Sort by: TitleCreatorDate ahhh back from vacation...never a good feeling Jonny P 2011-12-02 The Fifth Commandment María Elvira Bonilla 2011-09-22 What It’s Like to Be in a Street Round-up Fellowship of Reconciliation 2011-06-17 Video: FOR's work with conscientious objection Jonny P 2011-02-27 News Briefs - January 2011 Fellowship of Reconciliation 2011-01-01 2008 Anti-Military Concert Mayra Sofia Moreno 2008-05-29 CO article Janice Gallagher 2007-05-28 and revolution in the air... AJ (Amanda Jack) 2007-05-19 Letter from the Field: "Struggling to have the Freedom of Conscience respected amidst civil war: The Colombian Conscientious Objectors' movement" Janice Gallagher 2007-05-01 Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2