Browse Items (35 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: paramilitary of 4 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Protecting their mother: Afro-Colombians fight to reclaim their land from palm oil Moira Birss 2011-08-17 Justice... delayed Moira Birss 2011-06-29 Protect Threatened Afro-Colombian and Mestizo Communities in Curvaradó and Jiguamiandó Moira Birss 2011-04-19 Agribusiness behind Forced Displacement Susana Pimiento 2010-05-18 Using my privilege: Clarifications & additional thoughts Moira Birss 2009-05-23 Extraditions of Paramilitaries Mayra Sofia Moreno 2008-10-01 Letter from the Field: "Flowers and Bananas" Zara Zimbardo 2008-08-01 July 20 Marches Reject Kidnapping by Guerrillas Fellowship of Reconciliation 2008-07-20 Where threatening graffiti and mud baths are all part of a day’s work Moira Birss 2008-07-15 Regarding the Release of Colombian and American Hostages: A Note of Celebration and Caution Fellowship of Reconciliation 2008-07-01 of 4 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2